Introducing the Social Impact Coalition

Every day, I see the incredible resilience and potential of our communities. But I also see the challenges we face – poverty, health inequalities, educational gaps, and a struggling economy. These issues are all connected, and they're too big for any one organisation to tackle alone.

The Current Situation

In Wales, about a quarter of our population lives in poverty. Our schools are working hard, but our educational attainment levels are still below the UK average. Many people in our communities face significant health challenges, and our economy isn’t as strong as it could be. On top of all that, we’re not moving fast enough on decarbonisation to meet our Net Zero targets.

These problems are complex and require more than just traditional solutions. They need coordinated, innovative approaches and substantial funding – more than what’s currently available through public bodies alone.

Why We Need a New Approach

Our public services are doing their best with the resources they have, but it’s clear we need more. We need new ways of thinking about funding and support. We need strong leadership and, most importantly if we’re serious about driving systemic change, we need to work together across sectors.

That’s why I’m excited about the idea of the Social Impact Coalition for Wales. This isn’t just another initiative; it’s a chance to bring businesses, charities, public bodies, and other stakeholders together to better coordinate our efforts, maximise our impact, and drive social good at the scale and pace our challenges require.

What This Actually Means

Collaboration: By uniting our efforts, we can pool our resources and expertise to tackle the biggest issues facing our communities.

Innovation: We’ll explore new financial models and approaches, making it easier for important projects to get the funding and support they need.

Leadership: Bringing together diverse leaders from different sectors will help create a strong, unified direction for social impact in Wales.

Impact: Our goal is ambitious – to attract £1 billion in social impact funding by 2030 - thereby providing the substantial support needed for long-term, positive change.

How You Can Get Involved

I believe that we can make a real difference, but we need your help. Here’s how you can be part of this important work:

  1. Join the Coalition: If you’re part of a business, charity, or public body, consider joining the SIC. Your involvement will help us coordinate our efforts and amplify our impact.

  2. Invest in Social Good: Whether as an individual or organisation, your financial contributions can help fund projects that make a real difference.

  3. Advocate for Change: Spread the word about the importance of leveraging private capital for social good. Support policies and practices that enhance social impact in your community.

  4. Volunteer and Engage: Get involved in local initiatives. Your time and expertise are valuable resources that can help drive social impact.

Let’s Build a Better Wales Together

The Social Impact Coalition for Wales is about coming together to make a difference. By collaborating across sectors, we can address our biggest challenges more effectively. We have the opportunity to create a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone in Wales.

Let’s work together to drive social good at the scale and pace required. Join us in this partnership and help build a better Wales.

Stay Informed and Get Involved!

  • Follow us on social media for updates and opportunities to engage.

  • Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and insights.

  • Contact us to learn more about how you can contribute to the Social Impact Coalition for Wales.

Together, we can make a significant impact. The time to act is now.


How can we, collectively, make Wales better?